Three exciting updates!!! (And happy feast day St. Joseph!)

Happy Feast of St. Joseph, friends! This is such a beautiful day and has me full of joy 🙂 I hope you are all happy, healthy, and holy!

So I have really neglected this place because a whole lot has been changing in my life. Since December, I have finished another novel, gotten married, moved across the country and…


So yeah, I am more blessed than I can say, so thankful for all God is doing in my life, and still trying to catch up mentally and emotionally with all the wonderful but crazy-fast changes! I hope to share some wedding photos whenever I get them myself! It was absolutely the most beautiful day…and marriage just gets better every day. Now my sweet husband and I are getting into the rhythm of our life on the farm in beautiful Wyoming (which, thank heavens, is warming up!), and getting our minds and hearts more and more around our long-hoped-for and quickly blessed parenthood!

We are eleven weeks pregnant today, due October 8th! Please pray for us and our sweet baby along this journey! We could not be happier to welcome this sweet precious life into our family!

While I’m here, I also wanted to mention that, if you have been an occasional visitor to my writing blog (Give Me a Story to Tell) and suddenly found it missing, that’s my fault. It’s still there. In a pregnant brain moment, I thought I could change the URL (from to and it would just redirect people to the right page, instead of telling you it doesn’t exist anymore. I guess I was wrong and sorry for the confusion!

So, if you’d like to get back to my writing blog, just remember that it’s now!

On the subject of exciting news, I am in the process of editing/proofreading my first draft of Staying Here and hope to have it published sometime this Spring! I am very excited to share this book with you!

I am also working on some updates to my other two novels, Paint Everything Blue and West of Yesterday, including a way to sell all my books not only through my wonderful publisher, but on a broader platform, on Amazon and Barnes & Noble and places like that. 🙂 Hopefully I will figure it all out soon! I think it will be easier to find for you and to share if you desire to!

Again, I hope you are all doing well, and sorry for being so sporadic around here! God bless!

“Thou pourest in joyfulness” {why I haven’t been blogging much lately}

“For Thy counsel is not in man’s power; but this everyone is sure of that worships Thee: that his life, if it be under trial, shall be crowned…because after a storm, Thou makest a calm, and after tears and weeping, Thou pourest in joyfulness.
Be Thy name, O God of Israel, blessed forever.”

-Prayer of Sarah, from the book of Tobit

I’ve been thinking about how to share this story here for a while now–even though I can hardly claim that blogging has been the first thing on my mind. I’ve gone back and forth because social media almost seemed too impersonal to entrust with something so wonderful–but finally came down on the side of thinking, you know, I’ve posted out there so much about waiting and praying and being lonely through this chapter of my life, I have no right to leave it unresolved. If I’ve commiserated with others who are waiting, I really ought to share God’s plan unfolding for me as a sign of hope.

So I’m here to share some joy and hope…in imitation of how my sister Mary shared her journey with the Dash so beautifully over on Benedic, Domine, Nos.


It’s hard to know quite where to start explaining all this…that hat, my smile, and all the rest. I guess I should start at the start.


So I’ve already told you about my trip to Wyoming this summer, and all the dreams that came true up there, all the ways it blessed me. Well, almost all the ways. Really I left out the most important one.

He stepped into my life that day I rode horses on that beautiful ranch. He even made it into one of my pictures before I knew it was him, driving a combine through a barley field. We almost didn’t meet. It just so happened that two of the best mistakes ever (i.e., me losing my cell phone while galloping a horse around and him breaking something on the combine) coincided and we ended up walking around that barley field at the same time. Even though I’d been encouraged to by my doting cousin (as well as her mother-in-law, with whom we were staying): “Hey, Max is pretty cute, you should get a ride with him in the combine!”, I’d never have had the nerve to climb into a tractor with a guy I didn’t know.

We met for about thirty seconds–I was on my way back to the house with my miraculously recovered cell phone and he was out surveying the damage to the combine. My cousin, who has priceless timing, mentioned to me right before we met that Max had always said the day a girl walked up to him in the middle of a field would be the day he thought about getting married. I’m pretty sure my sunburn hid the way I was blushing at that thought…but then again, strangely, I didn’t care too much how I looked. I had managed to forget my makeup at home when I packed for that trip. I was sweaty, sunburnt, windblown, and probably covered with bits of barley. I had just been on the verge of tears in despair after searching fields for my phone. I remember at that moment having the mindset, in so many words, of, This is too much like something in a story for it to be real–for him to be the one. Hopefully he’s a nice person and I’ll be nice and it won’t matter too much how I look.


That was about as much of him as I could see–tall and thin, hiding behind his hat and sunglasses. But his voice and countenance were still unmistakable. Thinking back, it’s kind of amazing to me, the sense of his person that I got in that half minute that we chatted about me losing my phone (he seemed to think it was pretty funny), and what had happened to the combine. That was pretty much all I had to go on, besides a few things my cousin told me about later (“he’s just a sweetheart”…”he’s from a family of fourteen…”), when, only six days after we met, back home in Alabama, I decided to write him a letter.

Yeah, you read that correctly.

I did have a lot of encouragement from my cousin and siblings. Maybe the pivotal conversation was one with my cousin, in which, on our way to the airport after that wonderful trip, I confided that if I could have a dream, it would be to marry a farmer or rancher (an idea that had been drifting around my imagination way before I got up there, I swear!) and live that lifestyle out there in the West.

I remember her slapping the steering wheel with a big smile. “Darn it, Lena, I could have set you up with Max! I should have got you out there sooner! And if you didn’t like him he’s got brothers!”

We laughed, but she did throw out there, “You know, if you wrote to him, he’d probably write you back.”

My first reaction was probably to laugh, a little wistfully. She’d been telling me over our visit about the way she and her husband got to know each other and fell in love through writing letters. I couldn’t deny the idea was sweet–like something in a story–but it still seemed far-fetched that I, who have never been the bold type, especially when it came to guys, would just write someone I met for thirty seconds. Hey! Remember me? I want to get to know you! Wanna be penpals? Ha!

But I suppose once in a while, Providence gets the better of what we would habitually do. And thanks be for that!

I couldn’t quite let the idea go…maybe because of my cousin and siblings, maybe because I had an increasing feeling that he seemed like just the type of guy I’d want to know. Maybe because I came to the realization that there wasn’t much chance I’d regret getting to know him–but I might always regret not taking the chance. Really, I think it was all of the above.

So…I got my cousin to hunt down his address for me, and wrote a letter, just a few days after I’d gotten home. I don’t remember everything I said, but it was something to the effect of, Hey, don’t know if you remember me, but I was at the ranch with my cousin and I really loved Wyoming…I’d like to stay connected with you guys I met there…learn more about your lifestyle because I’m thinking up this book idea about a farmer (which was true!), You don’t have to write back if you don’t want to, just thought it might be nice to be friends. Maybe next visit I can get a ride in the combine. I know it was longer than that. I’ll probably laugh if he lets me read it again one of these days, because I’m sure it was a hilarious mix of obvious and shy.

He, just as unassuming if not more, says he wasn’t quite sure at first if I was just after information for a book project or really wanted to get to know him. But neither of our doubts lasted too long once our letters back and forth got going. With each little bit of him I got to know better, I was more confirmed in the feeling that he was what I’d been hoping for. I hoped (and continually got the sense) that the same was happening to him. It was really special and old-fashioned and just right, starting with those letters. I got to know his voice and thoughts through his handwriting, in envelopes that were postmarked Casper, Wyoming. But I admit it got harder and harder waiting on those letters that took four days to travel one way. I finally gave him my phone number…yes, first.

It does seem that I’m getting good at doing things I’ve been quick to say I’d never do…from writing the first letter to being in a long-distance relationship, from very seriously considering a future far from Alabama to dating a non-Catholic. Maybe God thinks it’s good for my ego. And I’ll be the last one to complain. Each one of these things I thought it would make me secure to never even consider, He has taught me to let go and filled me with peace, direction, and joy in embracing a plan that was quite different from what I thought I wanted.

In my narrow-mindedness I never got so far as thinking, What if God gave me a person worth all the pains and difficulties of a long-distance relationship, someone I could face fifteen hundred miles down with? What if he could make someone wonderfully honest and easy to communicate with, who was able to prioritize visiting and talking and really getting to know me in spite of the distance?

Or, What if God wanted to use me to help my guy, and use him to help me, to know God better? What if I need to be part of that journey? What if he gave me someone who could, with incredible willingness, understand and accept that I would need him to become Catholic if we were to get married, but that he couldn’t do it just for me–and who would study it with me, pray with me, give it his best go, even go to Mass on his own every Sunday? What if it was a guy brave enough to accept that insecurity in our relationship with me–to realize that there’s a mountain there we have to trust God to move. What if he was someone I had no doubt was totally worth waiting ten years for, if it took that long?

Thanks be that God didn’t need me to know what I needed before He gave it to me. The journey of getting to know this wonderful man over nearly five months has been a great exercise in trust, patience, honesty, and the most rewarding and amazing adventure I’ve ever been on. I won’t bore you with all the details of how, after letters, we started video chatting (and texting all the time)…or of the first time he came to visit, and the second time…of all the songs, conversations, laughter, all the little things that have filled a lonely place inside us both…the goodbye tears at the airport that have assured me beyond doubt of the way I care for him…of the happiness and love I’ve begun to know, unlike any I’ve known before.

Let it suffice to say that God was listening to every single sigh and prayer of mine when I was lonely…and when Max was lonely…and, in spite of the most unlikely circumstances, He now “pourest in joyfulness”.


Please pray for us both as we journey along this road…the unbeaten path of discerning God’s will for us in purity, patience, and perseverance. Neither of us know how it will end, but I couldn’t ask for anyone better to be traversing it with! He keeps me smiling…and dressed in farmer style with hats and Carhart hoodies and coats…and from feeling alone even when he’s more than a thousand miles away. Talking to him, even just through a computer screen, is the highlight of every day. He’s everything I could ask for and so much more. He constantly reminds me of how amazing His creator is.


And so, all this is to say…God is never asleep at the wheel. Nothing is “too good to be true” when it comes to His plan for you. He doesn’t just have a better plan…He takes your dreams and incorporates them into something so good you just have to stare and smile and shake your head, lost for words. Even if your guardian angels have to work really hard breaking stuff and snatching phones out of pockets…His plan happens, right when, in the back of your mind, you feel like waiting might be the whole plan.


So don’t stop praying really hard, or dreaming, or entrusting your future to God’s loving hands! Because, well…it works!

A Young Woman’s Daybook {Goodbye Summer}



“I come hither so that by this hart that thou huntest I may hunt thee.” -Our Lord to St. Eustace

September 20th, 2019: Ember Friday in September as well as the feast of St. Eustace and Companions! A blessed Ember day to you, and may St. Eustace and his holy family intercede for us and our families! I absolutely love St. Eustace; he is one of my favorite Holy Helpers, and Saints in general. His story is edifying in the extreme, and you can read it in more depth here. But my favorite thing about him is how, even when he was a pagan soldier, before the miraculous hunting trip when he encountered Christ, he was already faithful to the practice of the works of mercy. What love Christ must have had for this noble soul He ‘hunted out’, who was honoring Him ignorantly, as Our Lord put it. May we who have been privileged to know Christ from the beginning of our lives be filled with the zeal of St. Eustace in exercising the works of mercy!

“Let the people show forth the wisdom of the Saints, and the Church declare their praise: and their name liveth unto generation and generation. Rejoice in the Lord, O ye just: praise becometh the upright.”
(Introit from the Mass for St. Eustace & Companions)

Outside my window…

Today also happens to be the first day we’ve had a reprieve from somewhat exhausting summer heat around here…it was 60 degrees and breezy around nine this morning, which drew my mom and younger siblings and I all out to enjoy the glorious weather. This is the first time in waking memory I can remember it feeling so much like fall here before it’s even fall. But hey, I think we’ve had a hot enough summer that it’s high time! Deo Gratias for the beauty of fall coming!

This summer I’ve discovered the energy I get from spending more time outside my window than on this side of it…I don’t know if it’s better oxygen, Vitamin D, or what, but spending a little time even just sitting outside each day has really helped both my energy level and occasional low spirits. Maybe it’s just contact with God’s creation, which whispers constantly to us of His goodness.

Home around me…

Home around me has seen a lot of changes over the summer. Our nest has sent forth the first of its chicks off to make her own nest (which she is doing a lovely job of, by the way. I’m so proud of her!) That having been said, I’ve become the oldest sibling at home. This has been a transition I’ve been approaching consciously for a while. I have to say it’s been very blessed; I’ve enjoyed the experience of the confidence that comes in doing what you have to do when it’s needed, and finding that you can do it, and even do it well. Laugh at my youth if you like, but I’ve been feeling a lot more grown up. Driving has become a lot more of my life, chauffeuring younger siblings around, running errands, even getting myself to Adoration once in a while and a little part-time job I’ve just started at a nearby convent of wonderful Sisters. Although I know it’s my guardian angel and patron Saints that keep me safe, and from time to time I’m the inexperienced driver that I hope other drivers will forgive, I do feel I’m getting the hang of it and it’s not nearly as scary as it used to be. I enjoy driving by myself, especially in the morning, with my Jon Foreman music on shuffle. It can get to be pretty epic feeling…but even dinner dishes are epic with Jon 🙂

Another fun part of the transition into that oldest role is the sense of jurisdiction that naturally came over me in regards to housekeeping. Mary did a lot around here, and thus left a large gap, and so everyone’s had to step up a little more…but I’ve really come to enjoy buzzing around the house and playing housewife. As my grandmother battles through the awful rigors of chemotherapy, and my mom puts on yet another cap of caretaker in addition to all the others she wears, it comforts me to be able to do the little things I do around here for her sake. I know it’s her love language to come home to a freshly-vacuumed carpet, organized drawer, or cleared-off counter. And she certainly deserves a little TLC in her love language right now!

Besides all that, our home school is in full swing for our two studious students left. I can’t believe they’re both in high school (I feel old). The girl’s room, which underwent some major renovating after Mary moved out, is feeling more and more like home, especially for me since I just made a small prayer altar for myself–which I should have done long ago. I was inspired by a story a Sister was telling me about some little boys who went home from a catechesis class and, without even having been told to, made a prayer altar. Mary was so good about having focal points for purposeful prayer in our room, and it’s taken me a little time to pick up her slack…but better late than never! With some holy water, a rosary, a long-beloved little statue of the Child Jesus, a few beautiful holy cards from Portraits of Saints, my Missal and a few other things, it’s a wonderful place to light and pray. I didn’t realize how much I needed it.

Thoughts on dreams…


Did you know that dreams come true?


I’ve been meaning to post about my Wyoming trip back in August ever since I got home, but life has been busy, and sometimes it’s just hard to put something so amazing into words. I learned so much in the two weeks I traveled by myself to Sheridan, Wyoming, and spent with my sweet cousin and her family; I learned about life and people and myself, about loneliness and confidence and how sometimes, things you’ve built up in your mind all your life are even better than you imagined and not a letdown.


But I think one of the most obvious things I was shown was that dreams do come true–because God cares, even about the little dreams that are important to us but don’t seem that important in the grand scheme of things. I’m not sure how else to process the moment when I found myself on the back of a horse on a ranch in Wyoming, gazing around me at a West that stretched to the edge of the sky–literally living a moment that I’d been longing for inside since I was about three years old (I’m not exaggerating). Or when I found myself standing in Laramie…or bonding with my cousin at a level we’d never had a chance to before…or taking off on my last flight home through a sunset with the lyrics of Switchfoot’s Love Alone is Worth the Fight swimming in my ears, “Let’s go headed down the open road unknown…And we find what we’re made of through the open door. Is it fear you’re afraid of? What are you waiting for? Love alone is worth the fight.”, singing to me the peace I’d found in making a great adventure out of my comfort zone…like hundreds and hundreds of miles out of it…and not regretting one step of it.


It was the trip of a lifetime and a dream come true. It was a gift from God and my family and cousin, who made it possible. It came at the perfect time in my life, when I desperately needed a dream to come true and a shot in the arm of confidence, experience, and love.

I’m back home now, and I feel like that adventure has equipped me in so many ways for the adventure of grown-up life that I am just starting into. But part of me will always be on the back of that horse, and sitting on my cousin’s front porch laughing and talking and sometimes crying with her, and on that plane heading home through a sunset.


Please, please say a prayer for my dear grandmother, who is suffering so much right now as she battles cancer. She is so brave and strong, but even from the outside looking in I know this is unlike anything she’s ever gone through. We are praying especially for the intercession of Blessed Solanus Casey, if you’d be so kind as to join us! May God reward you!


A parting thought…


“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.”
-St. Augustine of Hippo

God bless you!
In our Loving Lady,